
Showing posts from February, 2022

Social Group work and thier definitions according to authors.

  Social Group work is a Method of social work.  Social Group Work: Man cannot live alone. Growing up, surviving and experiencing community health is only possible by being part of any group be it family or community. As the community and people become part of the group they develop and experience different types of interference that lead to social unrest in the community. On the other hand when people find it difficult to adjust to their environment or fail to have better social cohesion then there is a need for intervention. Constructive interventions to help people have better social performance through social interaction and social relations and adequate constructive interventions are used in the form of group work known as the social work method. It has the ability to build and build constructive relationships through team work and programs. Gisela Konopka (1963)  state that social group work is a method of social work which helps individuals to enhance their social functioning th

Characteristics and Skills of Successful Social Workers.

  Social work is a dynamic and challenging task that requires a variety of skills and qualities. Whether these skills are born or acquired, success in the field requires social workers to continue developing them throughout their careers. Although this list is not exhaustive, the following skills are important for all social workers. Empathy: Empathy is the ability to identify and understand another person's knowledge and perspective. NASW defines it as "the act of seeing, understanding, hearing and responding to another person's emotional state and ideas." "Getting into someone else's shoes" and recognizing that worldly experiences, ideas and perspectives are unique to each person makes social workers better understand and build stronger relationships with clients. It is an important skill that helps social workers determine the needs of a client based on his or her unique experience in order to provide services effectively. Communication: Communication

Components of Social Case Work

  Social Case Work Social case work is one of the most important methods and techniques of professional social work. It aims to find individual solutions to individual problems. Focus on individual case work. People often experience hardships because of their own personal or natural resources, which leads to their own inefficiency and the result of social ills. The probation officer clearly understands the person and the problems and helps him or her to balance in order to intensify his or her difficulties. The work of a civil case is the art of helping one to create better social relations and redress, it is a way to help individuals, to deal effectively with the various problems they face and it is a way to help each person to use their own. both physical and psychological resources for the treatment and prevention of personal and social problems.                                    Objectives Of Social Case work Making good relationships with ordinary people. Identifying and understa

Social Work Methods.

  the social work practice covers a wide range of direct social work interventions with individuals, families, small groups, communities, policies, institutions and other humanitarian agencies. Farley, Smith and Boyle (2006: 7), describe social work as art, science, work that helps people solve personal, group (especially family), and social problems and to the personal, group and social satisfaction. relationships through social work ”. Social work is about helping people in need develop skills to help themselves. Social work is a scientific work that takes knowledge from other disciplines to direct its practice. Social workers do not pick and choose which problems and problems they would like to fix. They see the problem even more difficult, and they try to help people solve it. They must be prepared to help people with individual problems on the one hand and the broader issues that affect all organizations and communities on the other (Sinokki, 2011). As a profession, social work re

Principles of Social Case work( in easy wording)

   Principles of Social Case Work   1. Individualization 2. Purposeful expression of feelings 3. Control of Emotion 4. Self determination 5. Acceptance 6. Principle of non-judgmental attitude 7. Principle of Confidentiality   1.   Individualization individualization means analyze an individual not from a single aspect but from a various of aspects. Every Individual is different from others & unique in itself. Problem of every individual is different from another & depend upon her/his intelligence, so the mode of helping (Technique) must be according to the Intellectual level, socio-economic situation and ego strength, one’s capacity and resource.  2. Principle of Purposeful Expression of Feelings   Ø Emotions are the integral part of the psychological make up of an individual. They serve as a source of information to the case worker, which enables him to assess the strength and weaknesses of the client. Ø Purposeful expression of feelings also gives recognitio

What is social work?

    Hi GUYS,  today we're going to be talking about the broad field of the social work profession, and what social workers actually do. So, my hope is that by the end of the presentation today, you'll have a basic feel for what the profession values, ·          what different kinds of social workers do, ·          what populations social workers work with, ·          and hopefully, whether or not, it seems like a good fit for whatever your personal career goals are. So, let's get started! So, social work is fairly difficult to define because it's a very broad-based field. Every social worker works with a different population on a different issue, or at a different level, and it would really be impossible to list all of the different types of social work jobs or social workers in one place, because they're just so varied. And many individuals who are trained in social work actually, have job titles that don't even have the words social worker in their job ti