Social Group work and thier definitions according to authors.


Social Group work is a Method of social work. 
Social Group Work:
Man cannot live alone. Growing up, surviving and experiencing community health is only possible by being part of any group be it family or community. As the community and people become part of the group they develop and experience different types of interference that lead to social unrest in the community. On the other hand when people find it difficult to adjust to their environment or fail to have better social cohesion then there is a need for intervention. Constructive interventions to help people have better social performance through social interaction and social relations and adequate constructive interventions are used in the form of group work known as the social work method. It has the ability to build and build constructive relationships through team work and programs.

  • Gisela Konopka (1963) state that social group work is a method of social work which helps individuals to enhance their social functioning through a purposeful group experience.

  • Allan and Brown and others have also pointed out hat group work can emphasis action and influence as well as reaction and adoption hence they argue that., group work provides a platform in which individuals help each other and method of helping group and individuals as well.

  • According to Lawrence Shulman( 1979)  group work as a mutual aid system,' the worker sees to help people to help each other. To understand the group clearly let's examine the various definition of social group work.
Definitions of Social Group work According to Authors:

  • According to Coyle (1937)
Social group work aims at the development of a person through the interplay of personalities in a group situation, and at the creation of such group situations as provided for such integrated, cooperative group action for common ends.

  • According to Hamilaton (1954)
Social group work is a psychosocial process and is concerned no less than with developing leadership ability and cooperation than with building on interest for the group for a social purpose.

  • Accordin to Wilson and Rayland  (1949)
We see social group work is a process and method through which group life is affected by a worker who consciously directs the interaction process towards the accomplishment of goals which in our contrary are conceived in a democratic frame of reference.

  • According to Trecker.H.(1963)
Social Group work is a method through which individual in groups in social agency settings are helped by a worker who guides their interaction in program activities so that they may relate themselves to other and experience growth opportunity in accordance with their needs and capacities to the end of the individuals, group and community development.

  • According to Konokpa (1963)
Social group work is a method  of social work which helps individuals to enhance their social functioning through purposeful group experience and to cope more effectively with their personal group community problem.

  • American Association of Group Worker (1948)
Group work is a method by which the worker enables various types of groups to functions in such a way that both group interaction and program activity contribute to the growth of the individuals and the achievement of the desired goals.


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