Components of Social Case Work

 Social Case Work

Social case work is one of the most important methods and techniques of professional social work. It aims to find individual solutions to individual problems. Focus on individual case work. People often experience hardships because of their own personal or natural resources, which leads to their own inefficiency and the result of social ills. The probation officer clearly understands the person and the problems and helps him or her to balance in order to intensify his or her difficulties. The work of a civil case is the art of helping one to create better social relations and redress, it is a way to help individuals, to deal effectively with the various problems they face and it is a way to help each person to use their own. both physical and psychological resources for the treatment and prevention of personal and social problems.

                                   Objectives Of Social Case work

  • Making good relationships with ordinary people.
  • Identifying and understanding and solving an Individual Internal Problem.
  • Strengthening the power of the human ego.
  • Problem prevention.
  • Improving internal resources.

Components of Social Case Work

There are four components of case work

1. The Person
2. The Problem
3. The Place
4. The Process

The Person.

A person is a man, a woman or a child and anyone
he finds himself in need of help, or he is found to be in need of help
in other aspects of his social-emotional life, though
need to be tangible provisions or advice. As he / she
you start getting help, you are called a “client”. A
the client is the one who needs professional help, who needs help
using the assistance of another or the client a
social center or institution.
David Landy has identified the process a person goes through
for seeking help or being a client:
1. The client must decide if something is wrong.
2. The person who needs help must face the possibility of
family, friends and neighbors will know about her
3. The person seeking help should decide to accept a helper
is in trouble, has failed or is unable to handle
his own problem.
4. The person who needs help must decide to commit enough
sovereignty and independence to place itself a
the role of dependence.
5. The client should decide to direct their search
help between people and services known to him.
6. The person seeking help should decide to take a leave of absence from work
or in other obligations for assistance.
7. The person seeking help may see that in getting help
relationships with others may be threatened.
According to the Sigmund Freud, the process of human personality is the combination of id, ego and super ego. 
  •  Id: It is unconscious which is known as the life force in the individual that is the combination of energy and needs. This drives him to wants and to will. All our motives are in the interest of our biological and psychological aspects. As a person behavior achieves his goal, he experiences satisfactions both consciously and unconsciously.
  •  Ego: It is the person’s mental image a kind of selfexpectations hope to solve the conflict. It is to mobilize and experience feeling in the way that are satisfying to the self and to external world.
  • Super ego: super ego is a dynamic system of the prohibitions, expectations, standards, values and ideas which a person has in relation to other individuals and to his society. It guides the individual.

The Problem

 People face the problems of everyday life, many of which are handled appropriately with available resources. This is the difficulty of life that falls within our ability and strategies to deal with the situation. When adversity takes a toll on our ability to cope and beyond our ability to handle, problems arise. People who want a casework service are the ones who experience problems. Life problems can be caused by physical or mental or psychological needs or inability to perform your social roles due to any causes. Physical needs relate to the biological needs of food, shelter, clothing, and psychological and social needs are related to love, recognition, security, opportunities not only for mental and emotional development but also for the fulfillment of human potential. A problem that undermines a person's ability to cope with it may be the end result of some problems or difficulties that remain unresolved from the past. A person's problem cannot be considered a personal event or an organization in itself. It is usually the last point or one point in a series of cause-effect relationships. Problems reported by agency clients, or in other words, problems for which assistance was sought, can be categorized in different ways.
According to Grace Mathew the problems can be categorized as follows:
1. Problems related to illness or disability
2. Problems due to lack of material
3. School-related problems
4. Problems related to the establishment of institutions
5. Behavioral problems
6. Problems of marital discord
7. Problem situations requiring follow-up service
8. Requirements related to rehabilitation of people with disabilities due to disability.
The Place
A place is a social center or department of social work of another type of social center. The place where a person with a problem goes for help is called a social agency. An agency is an organization designed to express the will of the community or a particular group of people in the welfare of the community. Its purpose is to help people with certain social disabilities that interfere with good personal or family well-being and problems caused by erroneous relationships between individuals, individuals and groups or personal relationships. The purpose and functions of this institution are determined by the person and the professional performance of the probation officer. Social work agencies differ from one another in many ways, and depend on factors such as funding, knowledge and skills of agency staff, interest, resources available and social support etc. separation:
1. Their source of support-; community tax (child welfare, physical and mental health programs etc.) or voluntary donation.
2. Their source of expert- authority; the major agencies hold full authority and responsibility for their social work and the lower agencies derive their authority and responsibility from the hosting agency.
3. Their special work and stress-; both public and private institutions, can define specific areas of public interest as a specific platform in which they provide services. Second, the assistance of a criminal service is related to the work of another profession, such as medicine, education or law and its specific information and purpose. 
Perlman described some of the features of the organization.
1. The agency embodies a community decision to protect its members from social ills, to prevent their own ills and / or to promote the development of better or higher human performance.
2. Each social agency develops a plan to address specific areas of need that they are prepared to address. 
3. The agency structure identifies and assigns different and joint responsibilities, authorities and functions to each employee and distinguishes the relationship between the different functions across the board of the agency as a whole.
4. Social organization is a living, dynamic organization that can be understood and changed, just like other living things.
5. Every employee in the institution speaks to and works for a specific part of the agency's work, and the employee represents the agency in its individual problem-solving assistance.
6. Case user, while representing his or her agency, first and foremost representing his or her profession.
The Process
Procedure in the event of a job is a continuous operation between a trained assistant (case worker) and a client. It contains a series of problem-solving tasks performed within meaningful relationships. The end of the process is contained in its definition: to persuade the client to improve efficiency in dealing with their problem and / or thus to contribute to the problem in order to solve or reduce its effects. Solve social work problems to find a way through feeling, thinking, and doing. It continues over time in a roundabout, non-reversible manner focused on removing blocks to require fulfillment that people can remove with their own tools. To understand what the case for the case work should involve in its help in resolving problems, it is necessary for the social worker to look first at the types of restrictions that occur in the normal human effort to solve problems.
These six elements are among the most common:
1. The problem will not be solved if tangible means and resources are not available to the individual.
2. Sometimes, people are unable to solve their problems simply because they do not know or misunderstand about the facts of the problems or the facts of the existing methods of dealing with them.
3. When a person is drowning because of emotional or physical strength. You need to associate yourself.
4. When problems cause emotional turmoil, a person's thinking processes, which are well aligned with his or her emotions, fluctuate.
5. Some people find it difficult to solve a difficult situation because they have never developed a systematic approach to organized thinking and planning. In a work relationship, a consistent, supportive and supportive approach is provided at the same time as the motivation of the problem solver is injected to improve the client's effort to feel, be or act in ways that lead to his or her better social outlook. 
There are various ways and stages in solving problems such as:
1. The first statement of the problem.
2. A statement of initial assumption about the nature of the problem.
3. Selection and collection of information.
4. Analysis of available information.
5. System development.
6. Program implementation.

7. System testing.


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