Principles of Social Case work( in easy wording)


 Principles of Social Case Work


1. Individualization

2. Purposeful expression of feelings

3. Control of Emotion

4. Self determination

5. Acceptance

6. Principle of non-judgmental attitude

7. Principle of Confidentiality

 1. Individualization

individualization means analyze an individual not from a single aspect but from a various of aspects. Every Individual is different from others & unique in itself. Problem of every individual is different from another & depend upon her/his intelligence, so the mode of helping (Technique) must be according to the Intellectual level, socio-economic situation and ego strength, one’s capacity and resource.

 2. Principle of Purposeful Expression of Feelings

 Ø Emotions are the integral part of the psychological make up of an individual. They serve as a source of information to the case worker, which enables him to assess the strength and weaknesses of the client.

Ø Purposeful expression of feelings also gives recognition to the client's need to express the negative feelings.

Ø Clients’ expression of feelings should have a valid purpose in Case work.

3.Control of Emotion

Ø The worker is sensitive to the client's feelings Makes effort to understand their meaning.

Ø A purposeful, appropriate use of the worker's emotions in response to the client's feelings Controlled and objective emotional involvement in the client's problem Controlled emotional involvement in the client as a person.

 4. Self determination

Ø       Value dilemmas are part of the job we do and so in respecting the right to self-determination
Ø Social workers should respect and promote people's rights to make their own choices and decisions
Ø irrespective of their values and life choices
Ø provided this does not threaten the rights and legitimate interests of others
Ø It is not about enforcing our own values on others

5. Acceptance

Ø The recognition of client's innate dignity, worth, equality, basic rights, and needs Regardless of client's individual qualities arising from heredity, environment, behavior, or any other source,

Ø Acceptance does not mean approval of the client's behavior, attitudes, or standards.

 Ø Acceptance includes thought and feeling elements, and is expressed primarily in the manner of service.

6. Principle of non-judgmental attitude

Based on the need for the counsellor to be free of preconceived notions Careful appraisal and study of the counsellor should:

 Ø evaluate his/her clients' attitudes and behavior objectively Evaluate rather than judge his/her client's attitudes and behavior.

Ø avoid comparing the client with another person who has a similar problem not allow prejudices to affect the counselling process.

7. Principle of Confidentiality

Ø The protection of secret/private information disclosed in the professional relationship

Ø Confidentiality is a basic right of the client

Ø An ethical obligation of the worker

Ø Necessary for effective helping

Ø The client's right, however, is not absolute

Ø The client's information is often shared with other professional persons within the agency and in other agencies

Ø Written permission is required to divulge information to other agencies


  1. Very informativee kep it up 👍👍

  2. V well elbow grease keep pace🙌

  3. Good amazing Kya bataon itna acha Laga ankhon sa anson a gay

  4. Very well done
    Informative and impressive


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