Social welfare Administration in Social Work.

Social Welfare Administrartion:

The concept of social welfare administration refers to systematic investigation into the problems in the field of social work. It involves the study of the relationship of social workers with their clients individuals, groups or communities on various levels of interaction or treatment with their natural relationships and function within the organizational structure of  of social Agencies.

Application of Methods and Techniques of Social Welfare Administration in Social Work Practice:

Some of the situations or social work practice areas, which call for application of social welfare administration methods and techniques such as planning, organization, coordination, supervision, evaluation.

 1. A social case worker who is interested in obtaining information about the actual or potential effectiveness of the services available in the organization for individuals, couples or families can use social welfare administration methods and techniques.

2. Social welfare administration methods and techniques can be utilized by a social group worker who wishes to assess the extent to which how to play a role that works more or less efficiently than group discussion in increasing awareness of substance abuse among school going youngsters.

3. A community organizer can use social welfare administration methods and techniques to know the views of the community before they takes any  decision to change the programme and  objectives.

A director of special school for mentally retarded children’s wants to know that group therapy is as effective as individual therapy in rising conformability of mentally retarded children  and an administrator is concerned about effectiveness of implementation of new programme launched.

‌Thus, social welfare administration offers an opportunity for all social workers to make difference in their practice.

  •  There is no doubt about the fact that social worker will be more effective practitioners guided by the functions of social welfare administratic.
  • Thus, social welfare administration seeks to accomplish the same humanistic goals, as does a social work method.

Use of Various Methods of Social Work

  • when you will talk about  social welfare administration as a  social work you will be fascinated     to know how the primary methods of social work are used in administration.
  • The basic methods of social work  that is  social casework, social group work, community     organization, social action, These methods are very important and play key role.
  •  ‌Social casework is used with individual heirs in the administration of social services.
  • Social group work is used with families and groups, which are the main part of every society.
  • Social group work is also used in working with community  groups and self-supported groups.
  • It is also play important role in improving  the potency of working of different committees, which are part of social welfare administration. 
  • Community organization is also very important to  used in resource mobilization and equitable distribution of services at the community level.

 Evaluation is one of the functions of social welfare administration.

  • It is very much helpful in evaluating the social work programmes and practices.
  • It could be a programme for Individuals, groups, families, community organised by the agency.
  • That is social welfare administration, typically focuses on assessment of social work practitioner's work with individuals, groups, families communities or appraisal of agencies or programmes that involve the continued efforts of practitioners with many clients.
  • As such, the evaluation research design, data collection and analytic strategies have become an integrated component of social service/welfare organisations.

 Knowledge of social welfare administration is useful in evaluating social work programmes and practices.



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