Role of Social Worker in Communities.


                                      Role of Social Worker in Communities.

in this Lecture we are going to talk about roles of social workers in communities the same basic skills necessary to work effectively with people are used in community practice generalist social work practitioners engaged in community practice play many of the same professional roles as those who work with individuals families and groups a social worker may serve as a broker linking clients with resources and services with several agencies to obtain sources necessary to achieve treatment goals in the broker role the social worker helps clients navigate the maze of agencies to locate resources that are most appropriate to problem resolution in addition to the active role of negotiator an intermediary to resolve conflicts with agencies the social worker gathers and transmits information between client systems and the broader environment sometimes the social worker in community practice serves as an enabler in helping people identify and clarify their problems assessment and in supporting and stimulating the group to unite in its efforts to secure change for example a group of tenants in a rat infested apartment might be encouraged to unite and confront the owners or landlords with the problem and seek redress for those conditions at other times the social worker in community practice functions in the role of advocate promoting fair and equitable treatment of clients and working to obtain needed resources for a client system in confronting unresponsive representatives of community institutions in the advocate role the social worker clearly is aligned with the client system in urging unresponsive institutions to take action a social worker may for example represent the client system in trying to increase police protection in high-risk neighborhoods social workers at the community level also might serve in the educator role providing information teaching skills to facilitate change for example by organizing an effort to educate non-english-speaking women in the community about the importance of obtaining mammograms other roles that social workers in the community typically take on according to kurstachmann and hull social worker roles are the following analyst or evaluator determining the effectiveness of programs or agencies facilitator bringing participants together to promote change through improved communication general manager assuming administrative responsibility for an agency at some level initiator or coordinator bringing people together and helping organize for change mediator helping factions work out their differences and mobilizer identifying and convening resources to address unmet community needs as indicated generalist social work practitioners are constantly engaged in community practice as they work with various organizations to address specific needs of their clients or the populace in general



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